With the war now heading in only one direction, the Reichspost continued to issue new stamps. A total of forty-three stamps were released in 1943, among them the second Armed Forces set.
25th January 1944, 100. Geburtstag von Robert Koch (100th Anniversary of the birth of Robert Koch)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 12+38Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 864)
29th January 1944, 11. Jahrestag der Machtergreifung von Adolf Hitler (11th Anniversary of the Nazi seizure of power)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 54+96Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 865)
11th February 1944, 25 Jahre Deutscher Flugpostdienst (25th Anniversary of the German Air Mail Service)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Three values: 6+4Rpf., 12+8Rpf., 42+108Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 866-868)
2nd March 1944, 10 Jahre Hilfswerk Mutter und Kind (10 Years of the Mother and Child Aid Fund)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3+2Rpf., 6+4Rpf., 12+8Rpf., 15+10Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 869-872)
11th March 1944, Heldengedenktag (Heroes’ Memorial Day)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Thirteen values: 3+2Rpf., 4+3Rpf., 5+3Rpf., 6+4Rpf., 8+4Rpf., 10+5Rpf., 12+6Rpf., 15+10Rpf., 16+10Rpf., 20+10Rpf., 24+10Rpf., 25+15Rpf., 30+20Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 873-885)
11th March 1944, 1200 Jahre Stadt Fulda (1000th Anniversary of the city of Fulda)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 12+38Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 886)
14th April 1944, 55. Geburtstag von Adolf Hitler (55th Birthday of Adolf Hitler)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 54+96Rpf. (Mi Nr. 887)
May 1943, Kameradschaftsblock der Deutschen Reichspost (Deutsche Reichspost Comrades Block) III
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Six values: 6+9Rpf., 8+12Rpf., 12+18Rpf., 16+24Rpf., 20+30Rpf., 24+36 Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 888-893)
June 1944, Ausstellung des Arbeitsdienstes (Work Service Exhibition)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6+4Rpf., 12+8Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 894-895)
2nd July 1944, 400 Jahre Albertus Universität in Königsberg (400th Anniversary of the Albertus University in Königsberg)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
One values: 6+4Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 896)
2nd July 1944, Tiroler Landesschiessen (Tyrolean shooting)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6+4Rpf., 12+8Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 897-898)
23rd July 1944, 11. Rennen um das Braune Band von München Riem (11th Running of the Brown Riband, München-Riem)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 42+108Pf (Mi. Nr. 899)
August 1944, Rennen um den Großen Preis von Wien 1943 (Running of the Vienna Grand Prix 1944)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6+4Rpf., 12+88Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 900-901)
11th September 1944, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst (German Goldsmiths’ Art Association)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6+4Rpf., 12+88Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 902-903)
2nd October 1944, Tag der Briefmarke (National Stamp Day)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 6+24Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 904)
9th November 1944, 21. Jahrestag des Hitlerputsches (21st Anniversary of the Munich Putsch)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 12+8Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 905)
Check Date 1944, Dauermarke “Hitler-Kopf” (Hitler Head definitive issue)
Dauermarken (Definitives)
One value: 42Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 795A)