Thirty-six stamps were issued in 1943, including the first of the two Armed Services sets and the six-stamp issue marking the 54th Birthday of Adolf Hitler – previously this event has been marked with a single stamp.
10th January 1943, Tag der Briefmarke (National Stamp Day)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 6+24Rpf (Mi. Nr. 828)
26th January 1943, 10. Jahrestag der Machtergreifung von Adolf Hitler (10th Anniversary of the Nazi seizure of power)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 54+96Rpf (Mi. Nr. 829)
26th January 1943, Sonderstempel mit Ziffer (Special Stamp with value)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 3+2Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 830)
21 March 1943, Tag der Wehrmacht und Heldengedenktag (Armed Forces and Heroes’ Memorial Day)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Twelve values: 3+2Rpf., 4+3Rpf., 5+4Rpf., 6+9Rpf., 8+7Rpf., 12+8Rpf., 15+10Rpf., 20+14Rpf., 25+15Rpf., 30+30Rpf., 40+40Rpf., 50+50Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 831-842)
26th March 1943, Tag der Verpflichtung der Jugend (Day of Youth Commitment)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 6+4Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 843)
13th April 1943, 54. Geburtstag von Adolf Hitler (54th Birthday of Adolf Hitler)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Six values: 3+7Rpf., 6+14Rpf., 8+22Rpf., 12+38Rpf., 24+76Rpf., 40+160Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 844-849)
26th June 1943, 8 Jahre Arbeitsdienst (Eight years of the Reich Labour Service)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3+7Rpf., 5+10Rpf., 6+14Rpf., 12+18Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 850-853)
27th July 1943, Running of the 10th “Braune Band” (Brown Riband), München-Riem
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 42+108Pf (Mi. Nr. 854)
27th July 1943, 100. Geburtstag von Peter Rosegger (100th Anniversary of the birth of Peter Rosegger)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6+4Rpf., 12+8Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 855-856)
14th August 1943, Rennen um den Großen Preis von Wien 1943 (Running of the Vienna Grand Prix 1943)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6+4Rpf., 12+88Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 857-858)
1st September 1943, 10 Jahre Winterhilfswerk (10 years of the Winter Relief Fund)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 12+38Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 859)
1st October 1943, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Goldschmiedekunst (German Goldsmiths’ Art Association)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6+4Rpf., 12+88Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 860-861)
24th October 1943, 800 Jahre Stadt Lübeck (800th Anniversary of the city of Lübeck)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 12+8Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 862)
5th November 1943, 20. Jahrestag des Hitlerputsches (20th Anniversary of the Munich Putsch)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 24+26Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 863)