Forty stamps were printed in 1936; perhaps the most noteworthy issue was the Summer Olympic Games set, which also saw the release of a pair of minature sheets containing four stamps each. Three minisheets were issued in all during the year, the third marking the prestious “Brown Riband” horse race held in Munich.

6th January 1936, Flugpostmarke “Heinkel He 70” (Air Mail “Heinkel He 70”)
Flugpostmarke (Air Mail)
One value: 40Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 603)

15th February 1936, 50 Jahre Kraftwagen und Eröffnung der “Internationalen Automobil- und Motorrad-Ausstellung in Berlin” (50th Anniversary of the Motor Car & the International Automobile and Motorbike Exhibition in Berlin)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 604-605)

16th March 1936, Flugpost “Luftschiff Hindenburg”
Flugpostmarken (Air Mail)
Two values: 50Rpf., 75Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 606-607)

4th May 1936, 250. Todestag von Otto von Guericke (250th Anniversary of the death of Otto von Guericke)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 6Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 608)

9th May 1936, Olympische Sommerspiele 1936 in Berlin (1936 Summer Olympic Games in Berlin)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Eight values: 3+2Rpf., 4+3Rpf., 6+4Rpf., 8+4Rpf., 12+6Rpf., 15+10Rpf., 25+15Rpf., 40+35Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 609-616)

3rd June 1936, Gemeindekongress in Berlin und München (Community Congress in Berlin and Munich)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3Rpf., 5Rpf., 12Rpf., 25Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 617-620)

22nd June 1936, 3. Rennen um das Braune Band von München Riem (3rd Running of the Brown Riband, München-Riem)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 42+108Pf (Mi. Nr. 621) + Miniature Sheet (Mi. Block Nr. 4)

30th June 1936, Weltkongress Freizeit und Erholung (World Congress for Sport and Recreation)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6Rpf., 15Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 622-623)

(Check Date) July/August 1936, Olympische Sommerspiele 1936 in Berlin (1936 Summer Olympic Games in Berlin)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Eight values: 3+2Rpf., 4+3Rpf., 6+4Rpf., 8+4Rpf., 12+6Rpf., 15+10Rpf., 25+15Rpf., 40+35Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 624-631) on two Miniature Sheets (Mi. Block Nr. 5/6)

3rd September 1936, 8. Nürnberger Reichsparteitag (8th Reich Party Day in Nürnberg)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 632-633)

21st September/26th October 1934, Winterhilfswerke (Winter Relief Fund) – Bauten (Buildings)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Nine values: 3+2Rpf., 4+3Rpf., 5+3Rpf., 6+4Rpf., 8+4Rpf., 12+6Rpf., 15+10Rpf., 25+15Rpf., 40Rpf+35. (Mi. Nr. 651-659)